cloudypad CLI usage

๐Ÿงช cloudypad CLI interface is still experimental and may change in the future

Available commands:

$ cloudypad --help

Usage: cloudypad [options] [command]

Cloudy Pad CLI to manage your own gaming instance in the Cloud.

  --verbose, -v               Verbosity level (0: silly, 1: trace, 2: debug, 3: info, 4: warn, 5: error, 6: fatal)
                              Alternatively, use CLOUDYPAD_LOG_LEVEL environment variable.
  -V, --version               output the version number
  -h, --help                  display help for command

  create                      Create a new instance, prompting for details. Use `create <provider> for provider-specific creation commands.`
  list [options]              List all instances
  start <name>                Start an instance
  stop <name>                 Stop an instance
  restart <name>              Restart an instance
  get <name>                  Get details of an instance
  provision [options] <name>  Provision an instance (deploy or update Cloud resources)
  configure <name>            Configure an instance (connect to instance and install drivers, packages, etc.)
  destroy <name>              Destroy an instance
  pair <name>                 Pair an instance with Moonlight
  help [command]              display help for command

Create instances

Use cloudypad create. It will prompt for required parameters depending on your Cloud Provider.

cloudypad create 

# Or for a specific provider
cloudy pad create azure
cloudy pad create aws
cloudy pad create gcp # Google
cloudy pad create paperspace

You can also specify all arguments as flags for non-interactive creation, for example:

cloudypad create aws \
  --name $instance_name \
  --private-ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 \
  --instance-type g4dn.xlarge \
  --disk-size 100 \
  --public-ip-type static \
  --region eu-central-1 \
  --spot \
  --yes --overwrite-existing

Use cloudypad create <provider> --help for available flags.

Alternatively, see CLI integration tests for available flags

Manage instances

List existing instances:

cloudypad list

Get instance details:

cloudypad get mypad

Start/stop/restart instance:

cloudypad start mypad
cloudypad stop mypad
cloudypad restart mypad

Destroy instance:

cloudypad destroy mypad

Instance deployment lifecycle

When you create your instance, creation process goes through various steps:

  • Provisioning: create all Cloud resources for your instance (virtual machine, IP address, virtual disk...)
  • Configuration: install required packages and softwares on your instance (eg. Wolf server)
  • Pairing: pair your instance with Moonlight

These actions can be performed directly via commands below.

Provision an instance to create/update Cloud resources for your instance.

cloudypad provision mypad

Run instance configuration:

cloudypad configure mypad

Pair Moonlight with an existing instance:

cloudypad pair mypad