Paperspace costs
Monthly cost estimations
Cloudy-Pad is free and open-source; however, charges may apply when using a Cloud provider. Typically billed resources:
- Machine usage (GPU, CPU, RAM)
- Disk storage
Example: Using a P4000 with 30 GB RAM, 8 CPU and 100 GB disk for 10 h / month will cost approximatively 12.10$.
Instance type | RAM (GB) | CPUs | Disk size (GB) | Instance $ / h | h / month | Disk / month $ | Total $ / month |
P4000 | 30 | 8 | 100 | $0.510 | 10 | $7.00 | $12.10 |
P4000 | 30 | 8 | 100 | $0.510 | 30 | $7.00 | $22.30 |
RTX4000 | 30 | 8 | 100 | $0.560 | 30 | $7.00 | $23.80 |
P5000 | 30 | 8 | 250 | $0.780 | 30 | $10.00 | $33.40 |
RTX5000 | 30 | 8 | 250 | $0.820 | 30 | $10.00 | $34.60 |
*Estimations based on Paperspace pricing as of September 2024. Exact prices may vary over time and by region.
Egress costs - Data transfer out from Paperspace to Internet
Paperspace does not charge for data transfer. (or it's not documented on their pricing page)