How much will I pay ? 🫰

Cloudy-Pad is free and open-source; however, charges may apply when using a Cloud provider. Typically billed resources:

  • Machine usage (GPU, CPU, RAM)
  • Disk storage
  • IP address reservation
  • Past a certain time played per month, data transfer charges may apply (typically if you play 50h+ per months)

Cost estimations

Estimations for a setup with 8 CPUs, ~30GB RAM, 100GB Disk for 30 hours / month:

  • Google Cloud: ~$15.68 (n1-standard-8 with NVIDIA T4000)
  • AWS: ~$15.67 (g4dn.2xlarge with NVIDIA T4000)
  • Azure: ~$11.06 (NC8as T4 v3 with NVIDIA T4000)
  • Paperspace: ~$22.30 (NVIDIA P4000, a bit more powerful than T4000)

See per cloud providers estimations:

Cost optimizations

Some general recommandations to avoid unnecessary costs

Spot instances

💸 It's recommenced to use Spot instances as they are 30% to 90% cheaper ! As Spot instances interrupton is generally low, you probably won't get interruped during your session. However, make sure to save often nonetheless 😉

Spot instances are supported for Cloud providers:

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Google Cloud

Paperspace doesn't support Spot instances.

Spot instance usage is specified during instance creation with cloudypad create - you'llbe prompted for Spot instance usage, or you can use flag cloudypad create <provider> --spot for providers supporting Spot instances.

To have a better understand about spot instances, see this article.

Egress (sending data out to Internet from Cloud provider network)

Most clouders (including AWS, Azure and GCP) will bill Egress traffic (outgoing traffic from their network to the internet) past a certain threshold. Cloudy Pad incurs egress traffic as video stream will be sent from Clouder network to internet on your machine.

Egress charges may apply typically after 50 hours / month with a 1080p 60FPS streaming setup - time varies depending on your setup and Cloud provider used. See Clouder cost recommandations for details.

Instance setup and specs recommandations

  • Choose a location or region as close as possible to you to avoid too much latency (eg. if you live in the US don't create your instance in Europe)
  • Just provision what you need for: don't create a 500 GB disk if you intend to play a game that will only use 100 GB.
  • GPU / machine type depends on the game you play. Some game will run fine with 4 CPUs but needs high amount of memory such as 32 GB and more, while other will run fine with 4 GB memory but require lots of CPU or a stronger GPU. Refer to requirements and recommended settings for your game.

Turn off your instance while not in use

That goes without saying, remember to turn off your instance while you're not using it to avoid unnecessary costs:

cloudypad stop mypad